Results for 'Robert C. Culley'

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  1.  54
    Structural Analysis: Is it Done with Mirrors?Robert C. Culley - 1974 - Interpretation 28 (2):165-181.
    The occurrence of these two kinds of stories in the narrative tradition sets out two modes of response to crises : Yahweh moving from his position of strength to save the situation by supernatural action and human beings moving from their position of weakness to save the situation as best they can with various acts of deception.
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    Species-specific defense reactions and avoidance learning.Robert C. Bolles - 1970 - Psychological Review 77 (1):32-48.
  3.  31
    Constant Enough: On the Kinds of Perceptual Constancy Worth Having.Robert C. Russell - 2012 - In Gary Hatfield & Sarah Allred, Visual Experience: Sensation, Cognition, and Constancy. Oxford University Press. pp. 87.
  4.  48
    (1 other version)Evolutionary Psychology as Maladapted Psychology.Robert C. Richardson - 2007 - Bradford.
    Human beings, like other organisms, are the products of evolution. Like other organisms, we exhibit traits that are the product of natural selection. Our psychological capacities are evolved traits as much as are our gait and posture. This much few would dispute. Evolutionary psychology goes further than this, claiming that our psychological traits -- including a wide variety of traits, from mate preference and jealousy to language and reason -- can be understood as specific adaptations to ancestral Pleistocene conditions. In (...)
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    The Idea of History in the Ancient near East.W. F. Albright & Robert C. Dentan - 1956 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 76 (4):236.
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    Moscow and Chinese Communists.E. H. S. & Robert C. North - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):617.
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    The nonextinction of fear: operation bootstrap.Robert C. Bolles - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (2):167-168.
  8.  49
    Twenty Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy : UCF.G. Lee Bowie, Robert C. Solomon & Meredith W. Michaels (eds.) - 2003 - Wadsworth Publishing Company.
    TWENTY QUESTIONS, one of the best selling introduction to philosophy anthologies available today, presents a proven, well-acclaimed forum for introducing students to the rich variety of philosophical reflection. Animated by some of philosophy's more concrete questions--questions that students are likely to have pondered long before signing up for their first philosophy classes--TWENTY QUESTIONS fosters the creative exploration of many renowned classical and contemporary thinkers' responses to the very same questions.
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    Rāmānuja on the Yoga.Sengaku Mayeda & Robert C. Lester - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (3):538.
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  10. Justice as an Emotion Disposition.Robert C. Roberts - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (1):36-43.
    In this tribute to the work of Robert Solomon, I address a topic that occupied him frequently in the last 20 years of his life, and about which he wrote a book and several articles: the relation(s) between the emotions and justice as a personal virtue. I hope to clarify Solomon’s views using three distinctions that seem implicit in his writings, among (1) justice as general virtue and justice as a particular virtue, (2) objective justice and justice as a (...)
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  11.  70
    Springs of Action: Understanding Intentional Behavior. [REVIEW]Robert C. Koons - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (4):861-862.
    This book is a very good example of a movement in contemporary analytic philosophy propounding "the philosophy of action." This movement begins with work by Donald Davidson in the 1960s and 1970s in which he argues for the intelligibility of the belief-desire model of rational behavior implicit in common sense and in much of social science. Major contributors to the school include William Alston, Robert Audi, and Alvin Goldman. This movement has three essential characteristics: a conservative attitude toward the (...)
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  12.  17
    The computational complexity of avoiding spurious states in state space abstraction.Sandra Zilles & Robert C. Holte - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (14):1072-1092.
  13.  77
    The organism in development.Robert C. Richardson - 2000 - Philosophy of Science 67 (3):321.
    Developmental biology has resurfaced in recent years, often without a clearly central role for the organism. The organism is pulled in divergent directions: on the one hand, there is an important body of work that emphasizes the role of the gene in development, as executing and controlling embryological change; on the other hand, there are more theoretical approaches under which the organism disappears as little more than an instance for testing biological generalizations. I press here for the ineliminability of the (...)
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  14.  57
    Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's 'Being and Time' (review).Robert C. Scharff - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (3):455-456.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's 'Being and Time.'Robert C. ScharffJohannes Fritsche, Historical Destiny and National Socialism in Heidegger's 'Being and Time.'Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999. Pp. 356 + xix. Cloth, $60.00.Focusing on the relatively neglected fifth chapter of Being and Time's Division Two (BT, Sections 72-77), Fritsche argues that BT is an essentially political work. Even Victor Farías, although he talks of "shared attitudes" (...)
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  15. An Evolutionary Explanation of Self-Deception.Robert C. Robinson - 2007 - Falsafeh 35 (3).
    Abstract: In Chapter 4 of his "Self-Deception Unmasked" (SDU), Al Mele considers several (attempted) empirical demonstrations of self-deception. These empirical demonstrations work under the conception of what Mele refers to as the 'dual-belief requirement', in which an agent simultaneously holds a belief p and a belief ~p. Toward the end of this chapter, Mele considers the argument of one biologist and anthropologist, Robert Trivers, who describes what he takes to be an evolutionary explanation for coming to form false beliefs. (...)
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  16.  18
    The response problem.Robert C. Bolles - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):135-136.
  17.  58
    Ninian Smart and the justification of religious doctrinal schemes.Robert C. Good - 1982 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (2):69 - 75.
  18.  16
    Semantic differential judgments of single and multiple conditioned stimuli with an aversive delay conditioning paradigm.Robert C. Bobbitt & Robert C. Beck - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (2):398.
  19.  29
    Effects of conditioned appetitive stimuli on the acquisition and extinction of a runway response.Robert C. Bolles, Neal E. Grossen, George E. Hargrave & Perry M. Duncan - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 85 (1):138.
  20.  35
    The motivation and/or reinforcement of avoidance behavior.Robert C. Bolles - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (4):677-678.
  21.  18
    Attempted Apologies for Political Corruption.Robert C. Brooks - 1908 - International Journal of Ethics 19 (3):297.
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  22.  46
    Lords of IndustryH. D. Lloyd.Robert C. Brooks - 1912 - International Journal of Ethics 22 (2):241-244.
  23.  14
    Health Care on Main Street.Robert C. Buxbaum - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (3):5.
    Letter responding to "An Office on Main Street: Health Care Dilemmas in Small Communities," HCR, July-August 1999.
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  24.  32
    Effect of list organization on short-term probe recall.Robert C. Calfee & Richard E. Peterson - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 78 (3p1):468.
  25.  28
    Presentation rate effects in paired-associate learning.Robert C. Calfee & Rita Anderson - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (2):239.
  26. The prospects for an evolutionary psychology: Human language and human reasoning. [REVIEW]Robert C. Richardson - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6 (4):541-557.
    Evolutionary psychology purports to explain human capacities as adaptations to an ancestral environment. A complete explanation of human language or human reasoning as adaptations depends on assessing an historical claim, that these capacities evolved under the pressure of natural selection and are prevalent because they provided systematic advantages to our ancestors. An outline of the character of the information needed in order to offer complete adaptation explanations is drawn from Robert Brandon (1990), and explanations offered for the evolution of (...)
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    Review of Buddhist Inclusivism: Attitudes Towards Religious Others, by Kristin Beise Kiblinger. [REVIEW]Robert C. Gordon - 2009 - Philosophy East and West 59 (2):238-239.
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    Eggs, Embryos, and EthicsEmbryo Experimentation. [REVIEW]Robert C. Cefalo & Peter Singer - 1991 - Hastings Center Report 21 (5):41.
    Book reviewed in this article: Embryo Experhentation. Edited by Peter Singer et al.
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  29. Ethics and excellence: cooperation and integrity in business.Robert C. Solomon - 1992 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Greek philosopher Aristotle, writing over two thousand years before Wall Street, called people who engaged in activities which did not contribute to society "parasites." In his latest work, renowned scholar Robert C. Solomon asserts that though capitalism may require capital, but it does not require, much less should it be defined by the parasites it inevitably attracts. Capitalism has succeeded not with brute strength or because it has made people rich, but because it has produced responsible citizens and--however (...)
  30. Thermal substances: a Neo-Aristotelian ontology of the quantum world.Robert C. Koons - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 11):2751-2772.
    The paper addresses a problem for the unification of quantum physics with the new Aristotelianism: the identification of the members of the category of substance. I outline briefly the role that substance plays in Aristotelian metaphysics, leading to the postulating of the Tiling Constraint. I then turn to the question of which entities in quantum physics can qualify as Aristotelian substances. I offer an answer: the theory of thermal substances, and I construct a fivefold case for thermal substances, based on (...)
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  31. Propositions.Robert C. Stalnaker - 1976 - In Alfred F. Mackay & Daniel Davy Merrill, Issues in the philosophy of language: proceedings of the 1972 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy. New Haven: Yale University Press. pp. 79-91.
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  32. Not Passion’s Slave: Emotions and Choice.Robert C. Solomon - 2003 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This volume collects thirty years worth of articles on the emotions written by the distinguished philosopher Robert Solomon. Solomon's thesis is that we are significantly responsible for our emotions, which are evaluative judgments that in effect we choose. This is the first of several volumes that document work in the emotions.
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  33.  31
    12. Corporate Roles, Personal Virtues: An Aristotelian Approach to Business Ethics.Robert C. Solomon - 1997 - In Daniel Statman, Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 205-226.
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  34. Comte after Positivism.Robert C. Scharff - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (3):605-605.
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  35. Corporate Roles, Personal Virtues.Robert C. Solomon - 1992 - Business Ethics Quarterly 2 (3):317-339.
  36. The Emotion-Virtue-Debt Triad of Gratitude: An Introduction to The Moral Psychology of Gratitude.Robert C. Roberts & Daniel Telech - 2019 - In Robert Roberts & Daniel Telech, The Moral Psychology of Gratitude. Rowman & Littlefield International.
  37. (1 other version)Possible worlds.Robert C. Stalnaker - 1976 - Noûs 10 (1):65-75.
  38. A better way to think about business: how personal integrity leads to corporate success.Robert C. Solomon - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Is business ethics a contradiction in terms? Absolutely not, says Robert Solomon. In fact, he maintains that sound ethics is a necessary precondition of any long-term business enterprise, and that excellence in business must exist on the foundation of values that most of us hold dear. Drawing on twenty years of experience consulting with major corporations on ethics, Solomon clarifies the difficult ethical choices all people in business are faced with from time to time. He takes an "Aristotelian" approach (...)
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  39.  14
    Ethics: A Brief Introduction.Robert C. Solomon - 1984 - New York: McGraw-Hill.
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    Business Ethics and Virtue.Robert C. Solomon - 1999 - In Robert Frederick, A companion to business ethics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 30–37.
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  41. The Passions. The Myth and Nature of Human Emotions.Robert C. Solomon - 1976 - Notre Dame, Ind.: Doubleday.
  42. Victims of Circumstances? A Defense of Virtue Ethics in Business.Robert C. Solomon - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (1):43-62.
    Abstract:Should the responsibilities of business managers be understood independently of the social circumstances and “market forces” that surround them, or (in accord with empiricism and the social sciences) are agents and their choices shaped by their circumstances, free only insofar as they act in accordance with antecedently established dispositions, their “character”? Virtue ethics, of which I consider myself a proponent, shares with empiricism this emphasis on character as well as an affinity with the social sciences. But recent criticisms of both (...)
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  43.  83
    The Joy of Philosophy: Thinking Thin Versus the Passionate Life.Robert C. Solomon - 1999 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    In this work, Robert Solomon tries to put the fun back in philosophy, recapturing the heart-felt confusion and excitement that originally brings us all into philosophy. It is not a critique of comtemporary philosophy so much as it is an attempt to engage in philosophy in a different kind of way, beginning with a re-evaluation of Socrates and the nature of philosophy and defending the passionate life in contrast to the calm life of thoughtful contemplation so often held up (...)
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  44.  39
    What Nietzsche Really Said.Robert C. Solomon, Robert Charles Solomon & Kathleen Marie Higgins - 2012 - Schocken.
    What Nietzsche Really Said gives us a lucid overview -- both informative and entertaining -- of perhaps the most widely read and least understood philosopher in history. Friedrich Nietzsche's aggressive independence, flamboyance, sarcasm, and celebration of strength have struck responsive chords in contemporary culture. More people than ever are reading and discussing his writings. But Nietzsche's ideas are often overshadowed by the myths and rumors that surround his sex life, his politics, and his sanity. In this lively and comprehensive analysis, (...)
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  45. From Rationalism to Existentialism: The Existentialists and Their Nineteenth-Century Backgrounds.Robert C. Solomon - 1972 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In this enduring text, renowned philosopher Robert C. Solomon provides students with a detailed introduction to modern existentialism. He reveals how this philosophy not only connects with, but also derives from, the thought of traditional philosophers through the works of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty.
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  46.  46
    On Making Phenomenologies of Technology More Phenomenological.Robert C. Scharff - 2022 - Philosophy and Technology 35 (3):1-22.
    Phenomenologists usually insist that their approach involves going “back” to and “starting” with technoscientific experience—that is, returning to the actual existing or living through of technoscientific life—after centuries of privileging the analysis of how things are “objectively” known and denigrating accounts of how they are “subjectively” lived with. But then who says this and how is this understood? “Who” is really a phenomenologist, when so many diverse thinkers claim the title? This paper considers some of the reasons why this is (...)
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  47. Emotion and choice.Robert C. Solomon - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (1):20-41.
    DO WE CHOOSE OUR EMOTIONS? Can we be held responsible for our anger? for feeling jealousy? for falling in love or succumbing to resentment or hatred? The suggestion sounds odd because emotions are typically considered occurrences that happen to us: emotions are taken to be the hallmark of the irrational and the disruptive. Controlling one’s emotion is supposed to be like the caging and taming of a wild beast, the suppression and sublimation of a Freudian "it.".
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  48.  31
    Semantic Considerations on nonmonotonic Logic.Robert C. Moore - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 25 (1):75-94.
  49.  50
    Becoming a philosopher: What Heidegger learned from Dilthey, 1919–25.Robert C. Scharff - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (1):122 - 142.
    (2013). Becoming a philosopher: What Heidegger learned from Dilthey, 1919–25. British Journal for the History of Philosophy: Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 122-142. doi: 10.1080/09608788.2012.689753.
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  50.  61
    Comte, Philosophy, and the Question of Its History.Robert C. Scharff - 1991 - Philosophical Topics 19 (2):177-204.
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